The Colt Walker, unlike today’s bullets, used. One charge for each of the six bullets and more than double what a typical 1800s black powder revolver could contain. The revolving cylinder that held the handgun’s ammunition could pack six charges of black powder. It could effectively shoot projectiles 100 yards with the same muzzle energy as a. At 4.5 pounds (unloaded) in weight, the Colt Walker featured a 9-inch barrel that fired a. Everything Walker hoped for was present in this incredible new handgun. Together, Walker and Colt created the 1847 Colt Walker single-action revolver and forever altered history. These two men came together to execute Walker’s dreams, basing their initial designs on the Colt Paterson, an earlier Colt model. Samuel Colt was the perfect man for the job as an American firearms inventor who had been in the business of building handguns for years. Walker, an experienced military man, wanted to develop his very own handgun – but he wanted that gun to be incredibly powerful at close range.

That is what happened when Texas Ranger Captain Samuel Hamilton Walker and Samuel Colt first joined forces in the 1840s. Great minds cannot always act alone sometimes, combining expertise creates incredible results.